THE SOUNDS FROM BEYOND8 MARCHES SONORES FROM THE HEADWATERS OF THE VIENNE TO THE LOIRE ESTUARYIn this piece, artist Pierre Redon invites you to an initiation journey through sound and images, and discover the people who live by the rivers. As you follow the Vienne and the Loire, you will be transported to Guinea or Amazonia and encounter fantastic creatures such as the Bell-Woman, the Bird-Man or the Horse-Woman.Now, you can experience The Sounds from Beyond in two different ways.
ON SITE: Download our smartphone app along with the sounds corresponding to your Marche Sonore. Then, with your headphones, go to the starting point of your choice. Each Marche Sonore is an invitation to discover 6 sound pieces.
AT YOUR'S WITH THE BOX: With the box, comprising of a photography book, a deck of tarot cards and the mediation journal, everyone can listen to and see The Sounds from Beyond by using the smartphone app.
(Pierre Redon - Marche Sonore © 2016)